Western Herman Tortoise
Western Herman Tortoise

Diet: Herbivore
Life Span: up to 75
Herman Tortoises are split up into two subspecies, the Eastern Herman Tortoises and
the Western Herman Tortoises. We have the Western Herman Tortoises that originally
are found throughout Spain, France and the surrounding areas. Western Herman
Tortoises are slightly smaller than the Eastern Herman Tortoises.
Herman Tortoises are a reptiles and are cold blooded. They need to acquire their heat
by the surrounding environment. They are quite active and move around the enclosure
to regulate their body temperature. You might see them running around or digging into
the substrate too!
The legs of the tortoise are thick and muscular. The hind legs tend to have more
strength than the front ones, leading to some differences in size. However, all of their
feet have five claws to help them navigate their environment and burrow. They are not
Tortoises’ shells are connected to their body consisting of their spine. They cannot
leave their shell behind for any reason.
In this enclosure we have Leonardo, the biggest. Rafael is the second largest.
Donetello is the third largest but with thicker black stripes and Michaelangelo is the
smallest with the thinner black stripes.