Predator Tank
Zebra Moray Eel

Diet: Carnivore including crustaceans, sea urchins and mollusks
Length: 20-59 inches
Life Span: Between 10-30 years
Eels have small circular gills so the eel has to open and close its mouth for sufficient water flow over their gills.
Eels have poor eye sight but excellent smell. They will wait and hide in the crevices of rocks waiting for their prey to come near.
Eels have a second set of jaws called pharyngeal jaws which are found in their throat. They latch onto their prey with their outer jaws, push forward their pharyngeal jaws to grasp the prey, and then pulls it back into their throat and stomach.
Tesselata Moray Eel
Range: Indo-West Pacific area
Diet: Carnivore including small fish and cephalopods
Size: Up to 118 inches
Life Span: Between 10-30 years
Eels have small circular gills so the eel has to open and close its mouth for sufficient water flow over their gills.
Eels have poor eye sight but excellent smell. They will wait and hide in the crevices of rocks waiting for their prey to come near.
Eels have a second set of jaws called pharyngeal jaws which are found in their throat. They latch onto their prey with their outer jaws, push forward their pharyngeal jaws to grasp the prey, and then pulls it back into their throat and stomach.
Mexican Jeweled Eel

Range: Eastern Pacific, from the Gulf of California and south throughout Central America
Diet: Carnivore including small fish
Size: 24 inches
Life Span: Between 10-30 years
Eels have small circular gills so the eel has to open and close its mouth for sufficient water flow over their gills.
Eels have poor eye sight but excellent smell. They will wait and hide in the crevices of rocks waiting for their prey to come near.
Eels have a second set of jaws called pharyngeal jaws which are found in their throat. They latch onto their prey with their outer jaws, push forward their pharyngeal jaws to grasp the prey, and then pulls it back into their throat and stomach.
Picasso Trigger

Range: Indo-Pacific area
Diet: Omnivore including zooplankton, sponges and small fish
Size: Up to 12 inches
Life Span: 10-15 years
It is the state fish of Hawaii. Its Hawaiian name is Humuhumunukunukuapua’a.
They have two spines on top. Through erecting the second spine, they are able to lock the first spine into place. This helps them wedge themselves into crevices of rock so that they are not carried away by current or predator fish.