Pixie Frog

Pixie Frog

Range: Southern Africa
Diet: Carnivore including insects, small rodents, and reptiles
Weight: Up to 2 pounds
Size: 8-10 inches(Males) 4-6 Inches(Females)
Life Span: 15-20 years

Pixie frogs are also called African Bullfrogs. The name “pixie” comes from shortening their scientific name Pysicephalus adspersus.  These are the second largest frog species in the world.  These frogs have teeth-like projections called odontoids in their mouths that help them capture prey.  When they feel threatened they will puff up to make themselves bigger.

During the dry season Pixie Frogs will burrow into the drying mud and grow a mucus lined cocoons around themselves to keep moisture in.  When the rains come and penetrates through the cocoon, then they emerge and resume their above ground life with a big appetite.

In some parts of the world, Pixie Frogs are considered a delicacy.