Albino Red Tail Boa
Albino Red Tail Boa

Diet: Carnivore including birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles
Weight: 23-35 pounds
Size: 8 feet
Life Span: 20-30 years
Normal colored Red Tails have tan, gray, pink or brown base colors with darker saddle markings across their back. These saddle markings become more red as it gets closer to the tail which is where it gets its name from. The Albino Snake is a type of snake that is born with a genetic abnormality known as albinism, which is the lack of pigmentation in the body and eyes. This is why they are the yellow and white coloration instead of the normal coloration.
The Burmese Python does not have any venom. Instead they kill their prey by constriction by wrapping itself around the prey and squeezing very tightly until the animal dies. They are able to unhook their jaw so that they are able to swallow their prey whole. Then Burmese Pythons digest everything that is in that animal including the fur and the bone. They typically feed every month or two and sometimes will fast up for as long as 18 months.
Our Red Tail Boas name is Lemon. He is super curious and friendly.