Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

Range: Eastern and Northern parts of Madagascar
Diet: Vegetables and Insects
Weight: 140-180 grams
Length: 16-20 inches
Life Span: 5-7 years

The name of our chameleon is Polluck. Males are more vibrantly colored than the females and is varied according to location. Since ours is found near Ambilobe, he is more of the red, green and orange color. Females are generally tan and brown no matter what region you are in. They can change the shades of their colors to show their mood, communicate or to blend in with their habitat and even to absorb and reflect heat more effectively.

Chameleons have a special arrangement of toes. The five toes are fused into a group of two and a group of three that allows for the chameleon a tight grip on the narrow branches. Each toe has a sharp claw to gain traction on the surfaces that it climbs. They also have very long tongues that may be longer than their own body length that they are able to rapidly extend to capture prey.

Males are incredibly territorial and will spend the majority of their life in isolation.